Advisory Opinion Statements Index


AOS ​#3Recommended Course Content Infusion Therapy for Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses 
AOS #7Role of Nurses in Wound Closure Procedures06/2024
AOS #8
Role of Nurses in the Perioperative Setting
AOS #9Roles of Nurses in Assessment, Staging, and Treatment of Wounds12/2023
AOS #10Roles of Nurses in Women’s Health Across the Lifespan12/2023
AOS #11Role of Nurses in the Performance of Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary Procedures​
AOS #1​3Roles of Nurses in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Practice12/2023
AOS #14Roles of Nurses in the Implementation of Patient Care Orders04/2023
AOS ​#15Roles of Nurses in the Supervision and Delegation of Nursing Acts to Unlicensed Personnel04/2023
AOS #16Roles of Nurses in the Administration of Medication via Various Routes0​2/2023
AOS #​17Roles of Nurses in the Administration of "PRN" Medication and Placebos04/2023​​
AOS #18Employment of Nursing Students as Nursing Personnel Using Either an Academic or a "Nurse Extern" Service Model12/2018
AOS #19Responsibility and Accountability of Nurses for Patient Care Assignments and Nursing Care Delivery10/2024​
AOS #20Roles of Nurses in Cardiovascular Nursing Practice12/2022
AOS #21Roles of Nurses and Technicians in Dialysis10/2023
AOS #22Roles of Nurses Who Provide "Private Duty" Nursing10/2023
AOS #23Roles of Nurses in Orthopedic Nursing Practice ​​
AOS #24Patient Abandonment by Nurses04/2024
AOS #​25
Roles of Nurses in Blood Related Procedures04/2024​
AOS #26
Roles of Nurses in the Performance of Advanced Life Support and Delivery of Emergency Medical Care via Ambulance Services06/2024
AOS #27Components of Licensed Practical Nursing Practice01/2023​
AOS #29Role of Nurses in Respiratory Nursing Practice10/2023
AOS #30Roles of Nurses in School Nursing Practice
AOS #32The Role of Nurses in Procedural Sedation, Analgesia, and Airway Management in Various Settings6​​/2023
AOS #33Roles of Nurses in the Delegation of Tasks to Paramedics in a Hospital Emergency Department10/2023
AOS #34Roles of Nurses in Maintaining Confidentiality of Patient Information10/2023
AOS #35​Roles of Nurses in Cosmetic and Dermatological Procedures
AOS #36Resuscitation Orders, Pronouncement of Death, and Death Certificates12​/2024
AOS #37Role of the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse in the Prescribing of Medications to Self and/or Family12/2020
AOS #39Scope of Registered Nursing Practice in the Deactivation of Implanted Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs) and Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs)10/2019
AOS #41RN/LPN/APRN​ Scope of Practice Determination Guidelines10/2024
AOS #42Telehealth and Nursing12/2021​
AOS #43Roles of Nurses in the Administration of Subanesthetic Dosing Ketamine for Psychiatric Disorders and Chronic Pain​
AOS #44Roles of Nurses in the Performance of General Procedures​
AOS ​#45Roles of Nurses in the Performance of Complementary Procedures​

Please note the following AOSs have been withdrawn from publication:

AOS 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 28, 21, 38, & 40.​​