CE Broker Tracking and Reporting


​​​​​​​​​​CE Broker is the official CE Tracking System of the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN). Licensees may choose from multiple account options, including a free version, to electronically report, upload, and keep track of their continuing education documents. Also, many education providers electronically report course completions through the platform.​

​​​​​​​​​​The use of CE Broker is not mandatory unless the licensee has been selected for the CE Audit or requested by the Board​.

Annual CE Audit

Information on the CE Audit is available at https://kbn.ky.gov/continuing-education/Pages/CE-Audit-CE-Broker.aspx

CE Broker Accounts

In addition to the CE Audit, nurses may maintain their CE records electronically via CE Broker.

CE Broker offers multiple account options.  The Free Basic Account is the only one necessary to report and upload continuing education documents.

How to activate your CE Broker account

  1. Visit https://cebroker.com/ky/account/basic/ to create a Free Basic Account (information and additional account options are available at https://cebroker.com/ky/plans).  Choose the option that is best for you.
  2. Enter your license number. (Use the following link to locate your license number https://kybn.boardsofnursing.org/licenselookup).
  3. Start reporting and tracking your continuing education.

If you already have a CE Broker account, follow these steps to add your Kentucky license. 

Please note: CE Broker tracks what is reported and uploaded by each person and education provider. It does not individually review items submitted for validation. A COMPLETE status DOES NOT necessarily mean items reported or submitted comply with regulatory requirements.

Additional information on annual KBN CE requirements is available at:

CE Broker Assistance

If you have questions regarding your account, uploads/attachments, errors, or the tracking system, CE Broker provides a team of experts available Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM ET.  Find helpful resources and contact them directly by vising the Support Center.