Background Checks

​​​​​​​​​​​​State and federal criminal background check reports for KBN applications must be obtained through the IdentoGO live scan process. Register via the UEnroll website utilizing the KBN Service Code 27GKJR. IdentoGO assesses a total fee of $53.25 for both the state and federal background reports and we typically receive live scan reports within three business days.

Non-Kentucky residents must still register via the UE​nroll ​website​ utilizing the KBN Service Code 27GKJR and may choose an enrollment center near their location to complete live scan fingerprinting OR may choose to complete the out-of-state hard card (blank FBI FD-258 Applicant fing​erprint card) scan process if they do not have access to an enrollment center. Please note that the hard card scan processing time is 6-8 weeks.

Kentucky Residents

Information regarding IdentoGO® Registration

  • All applicants will need to register via the UEnroll​ website utilizing the KBN Service Code (27GKJR).
  • Both the state and federal criminal background check reports must be obtained through IdentoGO®.
  • Appointments are available by schedul​ing on-line or by calling (844) 543-9714.
  • The IdentoGO® website will collect all necessary personal data for scheduling your appointment at one of the many IdentoGO® centers utilizing an easy to use search tool. Once you complete the registration, you will be provided a service summary, which will detail your appointment and what you need to bring to the location. This information will also be emailed to the email address you provide during registration. All applicants are required to pre-enroll and schedule an appointment.

Information regarding IdentoGO® Live Scan Enrollment Process

  • IdentoGO® assesses a fee of $53.25 for both the state and federal background reports. This fee is not collected by the KBN and is subject to change without notice.
  • All enrollment centers in Kentucky will have the same workstation installed, including a fingerprint scanner, identification document authenticator, camera, check scanner, signature capture pad, and credit card reader.
  • Once registration is complete, arrive to the site for your appointment at an IdentoGO® center. You will verify your identity and provide your birthday for security to enter the enrollment process. The workstation will prompt you for confirmation of what you are enrolling for, confirm biographic and personal data, and require a valid ID document. When the fingerprint capture and payment collection is complete, you will sign to confirm that you have completed the enrollment, and a receipt will be auto-printed with details regarding your enrollment.
  • ​Certified/business checks, money orders, or a credit card can be used to pay for services at the location.

Documents to bring to your enrollment appointment

You will need to bring one of the following identification documents to your enrollment appointment. Identification must be valid, not expired, and contain a photograph of the applicant.

  • Driver’s license issued by a state or outlying possession of the U.S.
  • Driver's License PERMIT issued by a State or outlying possession of the U.S.
  • Driver's License PAPER/TEMPORARY issued by a State or outlying possession of the U.S.
  • Enhanced Driver’s License (EDL)
  • Commercial Driver's License issued by a State or outlying possession of the U.S.
  • Commercial Driver's License PERMIT issued by a State or outlying possession of the U.S
  • ID card issued by a federal, state, or local government agency or by a Territory of the United States
  • Enhanced Tribal Identification Card (for federally recognized U.S. tribes)
  • Department of Defense Common Access Card
  • Uniformed Services Identification Card (Form DD-1172-2)
  • U.S. Military Identification Card
  • U.S. Coastguard Merchant Mariner Card
  • Military Dependent's Identification Card
  • U.S. Passport
  • Foreign passport
  • Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-551)
  • Employment Authorization Card/Document (I-766) that contains a photograph
  • Foreign Driver's License (Mexico and Canada Only)
  • U.S. Visa issued by the U.S. Department of Consular Affairs for travel to or within, or residence within, the United States

Name Linking Documents (only needed if name on identification does not match name in registration):

  • Original or certified copy of a court ordered name change document (to include marriage certificates and divorce decrees)

View the IdentoGO® Kentucky Registration Screenshots

  • To view the IdentoGO® Kentucky Registration Screenshots, use the key word IdentoGO when in the KBN Document Library.

Out of State Resident Applicants

Out-of-State Live Scan Process

  • ​​Out-of-State applicants have the option to complete their enrollment at one of the 500+ nationwide enrollment centers outside of Kentucky, using the same pre-enrollment process that is used to register within Kentucky (see above regarding instructions for Kentucky residents).
    • Select the closest location to you by using the zip code lookup feature.
    • If no location is available within 100 miles or you do not wish to visit the identified location, there is an option to switch to card scan processing (see below).
  • Obtaining a live scan at an out-of-state IdentoGO® center improves the fingerprint quality and is more secure. It also makes the process much more streamlined when compared to completing hard cards, mailing them in and waiting for them to be processed.

Out-of-State Card Scan Processing

  • Applicants that do not reside in Kentucky can send a hard card (FBI FD-258 applicant fingerprint card) to the IDEMIA card scan conversion facility. Applicants will be responsible for providing their own FBI FD-258 card, which are available at most locations that do fingerprinting. You are encouraged to call the location to verify that they have blank FD-258 cards for fingerprinting. Don't forget to complete your personal information on the card before mailing.
  • To do this option, out-of-state applicants will still need to complete the online registration. Instructions will be provided on how to submit the card once you have completed the registration.
  • All personal information fields on the fingerprint card will need to be completed. Print and sign the completed pre-enrollment confirmation page, which includes the barcode printed on the top right of the page. Mail the signed pre-enrollment confirmation page and the completed fingerprint card to the mailing address provided to you.
  • Applicant packets submitted that do not include all required information will be returned to the applicant. Upon processing the fingerprint card, IDEMIA will store the card/form for a period of 90 days, at which point all documents will be shredded.

Items of note regarding the KBN’s role in the state and federal criminal background reports

  • The KBN will receive the results of the state and federal criminal background reports directly from IdentoGO®, which is the company that has a contract to perform this work for the Kentucky State Police.
  • It is essential that the KBN service code of 27GKJR be entered during the IdentoGO® registration process. The KBN service code enables the record to be provided to the KBN.
  • Applicants will no longer request a state criminal history report through the Administrative Office of the Courts (Courtnet​) and will no longer submit fingerprint cards to the Kentucky State Police. IdentoGO® replaces these as IdentoGO® is the official state vendor for the state and federal criminal background reports.
  • Criminal history reports are valid for a period of six months, if requested for the KBN.
  • Information located on this website concerning IdentoGO® is subject to change without notice. Applicants are encouraged to visit the IdentoGO® website for additional information.

IdentoGO® Customer Service

  • If you have questions about the live scan process or about submitting a hard card (FBI FD-258 applicant fingerprint card) to the IDEMIA card scan conversion facility, please contact the IdentoGO® Customer Service Call Center Phone Number – (844) 543-9714​.