Nurse Leadership Program

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The KBN offers virtual NLP presentations four times annually to provide an overview of the Kentucky Nursing Laws and the KBN as a regulatory agency, addressing the Board’s role, mission, programs, and current activities.

The NLP pres​enta​tions are free to attendee​s and are designed to instruct participants regarding the mission of the Board of Nursing, an overview of the Boards structure and function. Additionally, this program addresses the areas of scope of practice, licensure, investigations, and compliance.

KBN Zoom Presentations

The presentations are held via Zoo​m and are limited to 500 attendees. Once the limit has been reached, no other requests will be accepted.

To attend any KBN presentations or meetings, individuals must have a Zoom account. To create a free account, access zoom at Select Sign Up Free to create your account and follow the prompts.

Instructions and support related to Zoom accounts may be obtained at:,this%20email%2C%20click%20Activate%20Account​

Student Presentation

The NLP Student Presentation has been designed for students in their last semester or quarter of a nursing program, as they are preparing to enter the workforce.

February 12, ​​​​2024


Objectives of the Student Presentation 

Upon conclusion of the presentation, student participants will:

RN and LPN

  • Understand the process to obtain licensure and register to take the NCLEX
  • Understand the Kentucky Board of Nursing’s role as a regulatory agency
  • Discuss the complaint and disciplinary process, and
  • Discuss the Kentucky Alternate Recovery Effort (KARE) for Nurses


  • Review of the process to obtain licensure
  • Understand the relationship between APRN licensure and certification
  • Provide an Overview of regulations that pertain to APRN Practice
  • Discuss the complaint and disciplinary processes
  • Discuss the Kentucky Alternative Recovery Effort for Nurses

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Upcoming Student NLP Presentations

Presentations will begin at 9:00 am ET.

Registration for the NLP Presentation for Students

To attend, programs of nursing should Contact the Practice Assistant and CE Competency Coordinator. The program of nursing will need to provide:
  • The name of the school
  • The contact person’s email address and phone number, and
  • The number of students that will be attending
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