Student Complaints


​KBN accepts formal complaints from students and the general public where a program of nursing is believed to have violated Kentucky education law. This page gives guidance on different courses of action that may be taken depending on if the complaint falls under KBN’s oversight or that of the program’s.

KBN's Role in Nursing Education

The mission of the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN) is to protect and promote the welfare of the people of Kentucky by ensuring that each person holding a license as a nurse is competent to practice safely. KBN fulfills its mission through the regulation of the practice of nursing and the approval of nursing education programs. KBN is interested in ensuring that nursing education is in compliance with Kentucky regulations in order to protect the public through safe nursing care. KBN will consider written and signed complaints about nursing education programs that reflect upon noncompliance with education rules.

Do I bring my complaint to KBN or to my school? 

KBN has no purview over school policies, grades, or conflicts between students and faculty. Most schools have processes in place for dealing with such issues, and students are encouraged to follow appropriate procedure for their institution. It is important that you carefully read the policies and procedures and follow them as outlined.

Submitting a Complaint to KBN

Should a student or member of the public believe that a program of nursing is not following the written policies and procedures set by the college and nursing program, the individual or member of the public is welcome to submit a complaint in writing to the Kentucky Board of Nursing.

Complaints need to be formally written, signed and submitted to the Kentucky Board of Nursing along with supporting documents. Some examples of supporting documents:

  • college catalogues
  • student handbooks
  • emails
  • text messages
  • course syllabi

A formal written and signed complaint is a letter that has been mailed to the Kentucky Board of Nursing. The same letter may be attached to an email in addition to submission through the mail. Supporting documents may be attached with the letter as well. Only submitting a complaint by email is not sufficient to be considered a formal written complaint.

What other recourse do I have?

Other options an individual or student may wish to consider are to report the concern to the accrediting body that accredits the program of nursing, the accrediting body that accredits the college, the Kentucky Council for Postsecondary Education or seek outside legal counsel.