Pursuant to 201 KAR 20:280 Section 3(1), a governing institution desiring to establish a program of nursing shall submit to the Board a Letter of Intent and the non-refundable $2,000.00 fee required by 201 KAR 20:240. The fee must be remitted at the time that the Letter of Intent is submitted.
Pursuant to 201 KAR 20:280 Section 4(2), a prospective nursing program shall not be announced, advertised, or students admitted to the program of nursing until the proposal has been approved and developmental status has been granted by the Board. A program is not approved until the training program receives an official approval letter from KBN.
To gain access to EDvera to be able to submit the required Letter of Intent and fee, the governing institution’s President/CEO, the designated Prelicensure Program Administrator, the designated APRN Chief Nurse Administrator, the designated APRN Program Coordinator, or the individual responsible for completing and submitting the Letter of Intent (if the above individuals have not been designated) must submit a request for an EDvera account via the link in the “Request Access to EDvera” section below.
Once KBN staff have set up the institution’s profile and created an EDvera user account for the individual(s) indicated in the request form, the individual(s) will receive an email with a link to finish the registration process and create a password for their account. After completing the registration process, the user(s) will have full access to the EDvera system for the prospective nursing program.