LCPM Education


MEAC Accredited Program

​To become a LCPM in Kentucky, an individual may choose to complete their training and education from any CPM training program in the United States that is accredited by the Midwifery Education Accreditation Council (MEAC). Additionally, the individual shall provide evidence of having passed the North American Registry of Midwifes (NARM) Examination and been granted certification by NARM.

Licensure Requirements

​Obtain information regarding additional LCPM Licensure Requirements for the following paths:

  • training and education at a MEAC accredited CPM training program;

  • certified by NARM prior to January 1, 2020 and have earned a Midwifery Bridge Certificate; and

  • licensed in another state that does not require an accredited education have earned a Midwifery Bridge Certificate.