
​​​​Kentucky Board of Nursing’s Compliance Branch consists of monitoring KARE participants and those with discipline on their license/credential to assure that these participants are safe to return to practice. The Branch also works with nurses who are seeking to reinstate their license following a period of disciplinary action (suspension, voluntary surrender, denied reinstatement).​​​​

​​What is Disciplinary Monitoring?​

​​Disciplinary monitoring is when KBN has taken disciplinary action by placing the licensee/credential holder on a monitoring status for a period of time specified in an Agreed Order or Board Decision.

A license can be placed on monitoring for a violation of nursing laws or KBN regulatio​ns, including the following:

  • Substance abuse or dependence
  • Diverting narcotics from facilities or patients
  • Positive drug screen(s)
  • Practice concerns
  • Medication or documentation errors
  • Practicing outside of the scope of the license
  • Falsification of records
  • Unlawful delegation
  • License disciplined by another professional licensing agency
  • Criminal convictions
  • HIPAA violations
Terms for Monitoring May Include​​
  • ​Meeting with a KBN staff member at designated intervals
  • Submit to random alcohol/drug screens
  • Abstinence from alcohol and non-prescribed mood-altering substances​
  • Have written reports submitted to KBN by therapist, employer, health provider, and others as indicated
  • Practice limitations
  • Limited access to controlled substances
  • Supervision of practice
  • Support group meeting attendance​
  • Continuing education
  • Payment of Civil Penalty ​

Reinstatement Following Disciplinary Action​​

When there has been disciplinary action taken against a nursing license, the Kentucky Board of Nursing always provides a path to reinstatement for licensure.

​The loss of one’s license/credential is a very serious matter. The individual seeking reinstatement for licensure carries the burden of proof and must submit evidence to Compliance Branch staff verifying that they are safe to return to nursing practice. The Kentucky Board of Nursing will only consider reinstating a license/credential/privilege to practice once all required documentation and a full and complete application has been submitted. Once all requirements have been submitted as required, Compliance Branch staff will meet with the individual. Following that meeting, an Agreed Order setting forth the terms and conditions for reinstatement of the nursing license/credential/privilege to practice may be entered or a hearing may be held. ​

Case Closure​

  • Closure of a discipline case depends upon compliance with all terms of the Agreed Order or Decision.
  • After completion of all monitoring terms, the and others as applicable will be updated.​

Violation of Agreed Order or Board Decision​

  • Failure to remain compliant, or resolve issues of non-compliance, will result in possible suspension or denial of reinstatement.
  • The sanctions of suspension and denial of reinstatement are considered further disciplinary action, which is reported to the National Council State Boards of Nursing disciplinary database (NURSYS), and other state, federal and certifying bodies, as applicable
  • Board staff will make the determination, regarding violations of the Board Ordered monitoring subject to applicable laws and regulations.

Monitoring Forms and Documents ​

Monitoring forms and documents can be found here.
