Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner

​​​​​​​A​ Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) is a highly trained and specialized registered nurse who provides compassionate and comprehensive care to patients who have experienced sexual assault or abuse.​

​The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) in Kentucky is a registered nurse who:

  • Holds a current RN license in Kentucky or another compact state.
  • Holds a SANE A/A or SANE P/A credential issued by KBN:
    • SANE A/A Is trained in the forensic examination of adults and adolescents, defined as “a child who has reached the onset of physiological normal puberty” or older who have been the victim of sexual assault.
    • SANE P/A Is trained in the forensic examination of pediatrics and adolescents, defined as “a child who has not reached the onset of physiological normal puberty” or individuals up to age 18 who have been the victim of sexual assault.
  • Collects and preserves evidence and testifies in legal proceedings in accordance with Kentucky law.

A SANE must hold a credential in which an individual must have successfully completed a board approved SANE training program and meet all credentialing requirements as outlined per 201 KAR 20:411
Approved SANE Training Programs in Kentucky 
Opening a SANE Training Program
You may ​​find information on how to start a SANE A/A or SANE P/A Training Program here or by contacting a KBN Practice Consultant at
