How to Retake the NCLEX

​​​Unsuccessful NCLEX after the 1st attempt

  • If an applicant does not pass the exam, he/she will receive an NCLEX Candidate Performance Report (CPR) and a letter from KBN through the Nurse Portal message center.
    • The CPR is an individualized document that shows how a candidate performed in each of the test plan content areas.
  • Re-register with Pearson VUE and pay the $200.00 fee.
    • A new ATT will be emailed from Pearson VUE to schedule your exam.
      • You may reapply anytime and may select your test date but you will not be allowed to re-test during a 45 day period from the date that you last took the NCLEX.​

​​Unsuccessful NCLEX after the 2nd attempt​


Retaking the NCLEX 3 or more attempts

  • A provisional license is valid for 6 months or invalidated upon the 2nd unsuccessful attempt of completion of the NCLEX.
  • If an applicant does not pass the exam, he/she will receive an NCLEX Candidate Performance Report (CPR) and a letter from KBN through the Nurse Portal message center.
    • ​The CPR is an individualized document that shows how a candidate performed in each of the test plan content areas.
  • Submit the application through the Kentucky Board of Nursing Nurse Portal. You will need to log in to nurse portal and then you will select Apply for a License located on the Nurse Portal Dashboard.
    • Choose the LPN / RN – Examination RETEST application
    • For more information on the nurse portal, please go to:
    • Applications are valid for one year unless you are Unsuccessful on the ​NCLEX​.​
      • If requirements are not met within one year, your application will expire and you will have to start the process over again.​
  • If your previous background check was completed within the last 6 months it will be transferred to your new application. If the report is older than 6 months, you will need to redo the background check.
  • Re-register with Pearson VUE and pay the $200.00 fee.
    • A new ATT will be emailed from Pearson VUE to schedule your exam.
      • ​You may reapply anytime and may select your test date but you will not be allowed to re-test during a 45 day period from the date that you last took the NCLEX.