Dialysis Technician

​A Dialysis Technician (DT), also known as a Hemodialysis Technician or Renal Dialysis Technician, is a healthcare professional who specializes in operating and maintaining dialysis equipment to assist patients with kidney failure or impaired kidney function.

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To become a DT in Kentucky, an individual must successfully complete a board approved DT training program and apply for a credential.  Upon receiving the credential the DT must successfully obtain certification from a national organization that offers the DT examination within eighteen (18) months of obtaining the DT credential [See 201 KAR 20:476]. 

The Board of Nursing

The Board is responsible for regulation of dialysis technician practice.  The Board’s mission is to protect the public from unsafe practices through regulation by establishing:

  • Educational requirements,
  • Credentialing requirements,
  • Standards for training programs,
  • Scope of practice, and
  • Consequences for violation of law.

Laws related to dialysis technicians may be located at:

Certification Organizations

National Certification is required for a DT to obtain and maintain a credential in KY through one of the following organizations:

Additional resources regarding national certifications may be found at National Association of Nephrology Technicians/Technologists (NANT)

*Each national certification may have CE requirements to maintain certification.