RN Scope of Practice

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​“Registered nurse" (RN) means one who is licensed or holds the privilege under the provisions of this chapter to engage in registered nursing practice KRS 314.011(5)

Kentucky law holds the “registered nursing practice" includes the performance of acts that require specialized knowledge, judgment, and skill KRS 314.011(6) and includes:

  • Care, counsel, and health teaching of the ill, injured, or infirm;

  • Maintenance of health or prevention of illness of others;

  • Administration of medication and treatment as prescribed by a physician, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse, or dentist;

  • Supervision, teaching of, and delegation to other personnel in the performance of activities related to nursing care; and

  • Performance of other acts which are authorized or limited by the Board and are consistent either with the ANA standards of practice or with Standards of practice established by nationally accepted organizations or registered nurses.

It is NOT within the scope of practice for the RN to independently practice, order products, or prescribe treatments.

Determining Scope of Practice

The Kentucky Board of Nursing issues Advisory Opinion Statements (AOS) as guidelines to assist nurses in providing safe effective care to the public. An opinion is not a regulation of the Board and does not have the force and effect of law. The AOS index can be  located here: Advisory Opinion Statements Index. Additionally, the RN can utilize the RN/LPN/APRN Scope of Practice Determination Guidelines when a question arises that may not be addressed elsewhere.

Comparing RN and LPN Nursing Practice

Per Kentucky Revised Statute – KRS 314.011, the scopes of practice for the registered nurse (RN) and the licensed practical nurse (LPN) differ. The RN functions at an independent level while the LPN functions at a dependent level. This chart provides a snapshot comparison with web links to Kentucky statutes, regulations, and advisory opinion statements (AOS).

Kentucky Board of Nursing RN/LPN Scope of Practice Comparison Chart​​

Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) may also function under the direction of a registered nurse, physician, physician assistant, dentist, or advanced practice registered nurse in other areas, including but not limited to administrative and management areas, and quality assurance and peer review programs.

  • It is NOT within the legal scope of licensed practical nursing practice for an LPN to direct and supervise the practice of a registered nurse.

  • It is NOT within the scope of practice for the LPN or RN to independently practice, order products, or prescribe treatments.

Acquiring New Skills - Educational Preparation and Clinical Competence 

An RN may have the opportunity to work in multiple settings over the course of a career. In each setting the RN may have the opportunity to acquire new skills. Each nurse is individually responsible and accountable for their individual acts based upon the nurse's education and experience KRS 314.021(2) . One method for demonstrating educational preparation and clinical competence for acquiring new skills is through obtaining relevant certifications within a specialty area. Another method would be to create a portfolio of trainings, workshops, and continuing education that demonstrates the acquisition of additional knowledge and clinical competency in the specialty area.

RN Scope of Practice Topics of Frequent Concern