Continuing Education

​​​KBN Annual Continuing Education Requirements for Registered Nurses (RN) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)

All nurses are required to complete Continuing Education Requirements every year between November 1 – October 31.  RNs/LPNs may review the options below, the documentation required, which must be maintained for five years as proof of compliance, and how to report via CE Broker  Kentucky Licensees: Free Basic Account | CE Broker.  Reporting via CE Broker is only mandatory if you are selected for the CE Audit.

Additional information on continuing education and forms for RNs/LPNs are provided at the bottom of this page.

​Option 1

14 Contact Hours

Fourteen (14) contact hours of nursing CE during the earning period November 1st – October 31st

Completed through a CE Provider approved to offer nursing CE by the KBN; another state board of nursing; or one of the national nursing organizations. 201 KAR 20:220

Required Documentation

Completion Certificate that includes the following:

  1. Nurse's name;
  2. Course title;
  3. Date of completion;
  4. Contact hours awarded;
  5. Provider information; and
  6. Whom the provider is approved by to offer nursing CE. (KBN, another state board of nursing, or one of the national nursing organizations listed in 201 KAR 20:220.)

Reporting via CE Broker

  1. Select +Report CE;
  2. Select Begin next to Continuing Education Related to Nursing;
  3. Report each course individually entering all required information;
  4. Attach the completion certificate;
  5. Select Submit.

Option 2

Evaluation & 7 Contact Hours


A satisfactory evaluation that covers at least 6 months of the earning period November 1st – October 31st; and

Contact Hours

Seven (7) contact hours of nursing CE during the earning period November 1st – October 31st

Completed through a CE Provider approved to offer nursing CE by the KBN; another state board of nursing; or one of the national nursing organizations. 201 KAR 20:220

Required Documentation


KBN Nursing CE Employment Evaluation Form completed by supervisor covering at least 6 months of the earning period; and

Contact Hours

Completion certificates that include:

  1. Nurse's name;
  2. Course title;
  3. Date of completion;
  4. Contact hours awarded;
  5. Provider information; and
  6. Whom the provider is approved by to offer nursing CE. (KBN, another state board of nursing, or one of the national nursing organizations listed in 201 KAR 20:220.)

Reporting via CE Broker

  1. Select +Report CE;
  2. Select Additional Options;
  3. Select CE Cycle;
  4. Select BEGIN next to Proof of (7) approved contact hours, Plus Evaluation;
  5. Attach the evaluation form;
  6. Select Submit.
Contact Hours
  1. Select + Report CE;
  2. Select BEGIN next to Continuing Education Related to Nursing;
  3. Report each course individually entering all required information;
  4. Attach certificate;
  5. Select Submit.

Option 3

National Nursing Certification

Current national nursing certification or recertification related to the nurse's practice role either obtained, renewed, or in effect during the earning period November 1st – October 31st

Note: National nurse certification is a credential that demonstrates a nurse's competence and expertise in a specific area of care. (Examples Wound Care Certification, Oncology Nurse Certification, Pediatric Nurse Certification) *

Required Documentation

Certificate or wallet card issued by the certifying organization which includes the nurse's name, certification awarded, and expiration date.

Reporting via CE Broker

  1. Select + Report CE;
  2. Select Additional Options;
  3. Select CE Cycle;
  4. Select Begin next to National Certification related to the nurse's practice role;
  5. Attach certificate or wallet card;
  6. Select Submit.

Option 4

College Nursing Courses

Successful completion of a post-licensure academic course in nursing related to the nurse's practice role at a college, university, or vocational institution, where credit hours and a grade of "C" or higher or a "Pass" on a Pass/Fail grading system were awarded during the earning period November 1st – October 31st.

Required Documentation

A college transcript including the following information:

  1. Nurse's name;
  2. College, university, or institution name;
  3. Course title;
  4. Hours earned;
  5. Date of completion of the course; and
  6. Grade awarded.

1 Credit hour = 15 contact hours

1 Quarter hour = 12 contact hours

Reporting via CE Broker

  1. Select +Report CE;
  2. Select Begin next to Post Licensure Academic Course from College, University, or Postsecondary Vocational Institution;
  3. Enter the date the course was completed:
  4. Report the course information;
  5. Attach acceptable transcript;
  6. Select Submit.

Option 5


Participation as a preceptor for at least 1 student or new employee for at least 120 hours during the earning period from November 1st to October 31st.

Requires a one-on-one relationship between preceptor and student or employee

Required Documentation

Completed KBN Preceptor Continuing Education Verification Form.

Must be completed by the educational institution or nurse's supervisor

May include more than one student or employee within the same earning period.

Reporting via CE Broker

  1. Select +Report CE;
  2. Select Additional Options;
  3. Select CE Cycle:
  4. Select Begin next to Participation as a Preceptor;
  5. Report information;
  6. Attach the completed form;
  7. Select Submit.

Option 6

Publication of a Nursing Article

Publication of a Nursing Related Article in a Peer Reviewed Health Related Journal during the earning period November 1st – October 31st.

Required Documentation

Copy of the Nursing Article Published during the earning period, including:

  1. Nurse's name;
  2. Article title;
  3. Journal information; and
  4. Date of publication.

Reporting via CE Broker

  1. Select +Report CE;
  2. Select Additional Options;
  3. Select CE Cycle:
  4. Select Begin next to Publication Credit;
  5. Report information;
  6. Attach the article;
  7. Select Submit.

Option 7

Presentation of a Nursing CE Course

Presentation of a Nursing Continuing Education Course

Course must be presented during the earning period November 1st to October 31st , through a KBN approved CE Provider, to nurses or other healthcare professionals.

A course can only be counted once during any earning period.

Required Documentation

This is for a continuing education course you presented during the earning period.

  1. Either a program brochure;
  2. course syllabi; or
  3. a letter from the approved provider identifying the nurse as the developer and presenter of the course.

The presenter receives twice the number of contact hours awarded to attendees.

Reporting via CE Broker

  1. Select +Report CE;
  2. Select Additional Options;
  3. Select Begin next to Publication Credit;
  4. Enter the date you gave the presentation;
  5. Report information;
  6. Attach the program brochure, course syllabi, or a letter from the approved provider;
  7. Select Submit.

Option 8

Nursing Research Project

Completion of a Nursing Research Project as a Principle Investigator, Co-Investigator, or Project Director within the earning period November 1st to October 31st .

Must utilize research methodology, and be qualitative or quantitative in nature and include a summary of findings.

Required Documentation

The project abstract including a summary of findings is required.

Reporting via CE Broker

  1. Select +Report CE;
  2. Select Additional Options;
  3. Select Begin next to Nursing Research Project;
  4. Select the CE Cycle;
  5. Report required information;
  6. Attach the abstract;
  7. Select submit.

*National Nursing Certifications - While ACLS, PALS, and NRP certificates are not considered national nursing certifications, as defined in option 3, the hours completed in courses for these certificates can be counted towards the total number of contact hours for an RN or LPN, for the earning period in which they are completed, as long as they were completed through a Kentucky approved provider, the date of completion, and the number of contact hours awarded are listed.

Links to additional continuing education is provided below.
  1. CE Audit CE Broker
  2. CE Broker Information
  3. CE Providers
  4. KBN Approved CE Providers List
  5. Content-specific CE Requirements

CE Broker

​​​CE Broker is the official CE tracking system of the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN).

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CE Broker has provided each nurse with a Free Basic Account, to electronically report, upload and keep track of their continuing education documents.

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Verify the status of a license or credential issued by the KBN.

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