RN Examination Educated Outside of the United States

Information regarding the process to obtain a license by examination.

The process to apply for licensure by examination is the same for LPNs and RNs.

This page contains additional information for nurses who were educated outside of the United States.​

Licensure Requirements

Please review the below list of application requirements and additional information. ​

Complete the application and submit the fee.​

  • Submit the application through the Kentucky Board of Nursing Nurse Portal​. You will need to create an account through the nurse portal and then you will select Apply for a License located on the Nurse Portal Dashboard.
    • ​​​​​​​​Pay application fee of $125 (ALL FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE)​
    • Initial Exam Applications are valid for one year unless you are Unsuccessful on the NCLEX​ twice in that timeframe, the application will be voided.
      • You will have to reapply for the Examination RETEST application after the 2nd unsuccessful attempt.
      • If requirements are not met within one year, your application will expire, and you will have to start the process over again.
    • A provision​al license​​​ is valid for six months, unless the applicant has failed the NCLEX examination twice during that period, it will t​hen be voided.
      • ​In this event, the provisional licensee must immediately cease practicing in a licensed nursing position.
  • As a nurse educated outside the U.S. seeking to work in the United States, you must follow U.S. federal immigration law​ and meet the basic educational and/or professional requirements.
  • Special Accommodations - In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), KBN provides reasonable accommodations for candidates with disabilities that may interfere with their performance on the NCLEX to apply for special accommodations for the NCLEX.
    • Please complete the ADA Accommodation Request Form and submit all required documentation ​through your Kentucky Board of Nursing Nurse Portal Message Center using the "RN/LPN Examination" category.
    • For more information on testing accommodations through Pearson Vue, please visit the Pearson Vue Test Accommodations​ page.

Pass the Jurisprudence Exam with a score of 80% or higher

  • Complete the Jurisprudence Examination after completing the ​application.
  • The Jurisprudence Examination cannot be accessed prior to having a current application on file with the KBN.

Complete the state and federal criminal background check through IdentoGO®.

Credential Evaluation

You will need to request/apply for a Credential Evaluation. You may use one of the following approved Credential Evaluation companies. If you have received a credential evaluation previously by another provider you may request that document be sent to the Kentucky Board of Nursing for review. Once the evaluation has been completed, the report needs to be sent to the Kentucky Board of Nursing at KBN.Credentials@ky.gov or by mail to:

  • Kentucky Board of Nursing
  • ATTN: Examination
  • 312 Whittington Pkwy Suite 300
  • Louisville, KY 40222
  • The Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS)
    • 215-222-8454
    • We will accept the CES report.
  • ​ECE - Educational Credential Evaluators
    • 414-289-3400​​
    • ​We will accept either the General Evaluation Report or the Course By Course Report. We cannot use the General with Grade Average.
  • IEE – International Education Evaluatio​ns, LLC
  • Josef Silny & Associates, Inc., International Education Consultants
  • SpanTran: The Evaluation Company
    • 713-266-8805
    • ​Accepting General Analysis Evaluations

    English Language Proficiency Test and Passing Exam Score

    You must take and pass the English Language Proficiency Exam. The full list of English Language Proficiency Exams that we will accept are:

    NOTE: If you enrolled in a college/university and passed an english course, we will accept an unofficial transcript reflecting the passed course.

    For more information on the tests and their acceptable scores, please visit: https://www.cgfns.org/services/certification/visascreen-visa-credentials-assessment/

    Once you have taken and passed the exam with the qualifying score, the report needs to be sent to the Kentucky Board of Nursing at KBN.Credentials@ky.gov or by mail to:

    • Kentucky Board of Nursing
    • ATTN: Examination
    • 312 Whittington Pkwy Suite 300
    • ​Louisville, KY 40222

    Complete the Pearson Vue NCLEX Registration and Submit the Fee​

    • Apply to Pearson Vue and pay the $200 application fee.
      • Online: www.pearsonvue.com/nclex
      • By Phone: 866-496-2539
        • ​​Be sure to apply using the first and last name that match your valid government issued ID that you will be using the day of the test. ​

    Required Continuing Competency​

    ​ ​

    Reporting Criminal Convictions

    • If you have any criminal convictions, they will need to be reported on your application. The exception to this is traffic misdemeanors, other than DUIs. For information about what qualifies as a criminal conviction please review the Mandatory Reporting of Criminal Convi​ctions.

    Provisional License

    Review the information regarding provisional licenses.

    How long does it take for a license to be issued?

    Licenses may be issued within 14 business days after all documents have been received and reviewed. However, if you respond "Yes" to the disciplinary or conviction questions it can take up to three months to process your application.

    Review your application or licensure status​​​