What is a Licensed Certified Professional Midwife (LCPM)?
An LCPM is a person who is certified by the North American Registry of Midwives and issued a license by the Board to provide certified professional midwifery services in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
- You may review KRS 314.400(6)
What is included in certified professional midwifery services?
The provision of care to a person during a low-risk pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, and the care of a normal newborn immediately following birth, and collaboration with other appropriate licensed health care providers as specified by the board by administrative regulation or when otherwise indicated.
- You may access KRS 314.400
What is an APRN-designated certified professional midwife (CNM) and is it the same as an LCPM?
No, an LCPM is not the same as a CNM. The LCPM practice does not have the same meaning as the practice of an APRN-designated certified nurse-midwife, or the practice of medicine or osteopathy as defined in
KRS 311.550.
A CNM is an APRN who is certified by a nationally established organization or agency recognized by the KBN to certify registered nurses for advanced practice registered nursing as a certified nurse midwife. See,
KRS 314.011(8).
- You may review a KBN Connection article, “An Overview of CNMs and LCPMs” here.
- You may access regulations related to LCPMs here. See, 201 KAR 20:600 – 690