Scope of Practice

​Determining Scope of Practice

KRS 216B.400 states the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner with the consent of the victim, or upon the request of the victim, provides examinations for the purposes of providing basic medical care relating to the incident and gathering samples that may be used as physical evidence.  This examination shall include but not be limited to:

      1. Basic treatment and sample gathering services; and
      2. Laboratory tests, as appropriate.

A Nurse’s Responsibility and Accountability​

Each nurse is individually responsible and accountable for their individual's acts based upon the nurse's education and experience. Each nurse must exercise professional and prudent judgment in determining whether the performance of a given act is within the scope of practice for which the nurse is both licensed and clinically competent to perform. See KRS 314.021

Educational Preparation and Clinical Competency

Pursuant to KRS 314.021(2) all nurses are held responsible and accountable for making decisions that are based upon the individual’s educational preparation and current clinical competence. One method for demonstrating educational preparation and clinical competence is through obtaining relevant certifications within a specialty area. Another method would be to create a portfolio of trainings, workshops, and continuing education that demonstrates the acquisition of additional knowledge and clinical competency in the specialty area.

Additional Resources

  • Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs (KASAP) – Visit KASAP's website for additional information, including the Toolkit for Safe Exam Access: Making Sexual Assault Forensic-Medical Exams Available to All Victims; Hospital Training Video Project; and additional resources and publications. If you have questions, need assistance, or would like additional information regarding training requirements and the certification process, KASAP is the state's leading resource
  • Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Division of Health Care for a list of SANE ready hospitals
  • The Kentucky Safe Act Statutes lists Kentucky Revised Statutes related to sexual assault examinations, duties, etc.
  • Sexual Assault Forensic-Medical Exam (SAFE) Exams Guide SANE/SAFE Toolkit contains information to assist in complying with state and federal laws regarding sexual assault examinations and is located in the KBN Document Library.