How to Obtain, Renew, or Reinstate a SANE Credential

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​All applications and renewal requests must be submitted through the Kentucky Online License System. ​If you're applying for the first time, please follow the steps below.

Apply for an Initial SANE Credential

  • Submit the application through the K​entucky B​oard of Nursing Nurse Portal. You will need to create an account through the nurse portal and then you will select Apply for a License located on the Nurse Portal Dashboard.
  • Hold a current Kentucky or multistate state RN license
  • Complete a KBN approved SANE educational course or other pathway as outlined on the SANE E​ducation and Pr​actice Page
    • Submit the certificate of attendance and certification of completion for the educational course
      • Please note: The SANE Clinical Training Verification Form(s) cannot be used in lieu of Certificate of Completion. They are not a substitution; they must be turned in to your program administrator to receive the certificate.
  • ​​Pay the application fee of $120 (ALL FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE).
  • ​​You will need to designate whether you are applying for the SANE P/A or SANE A/A designation. If you are applying for both designations, you will need pay the fee of $120 for each designation.
  • Complete a state and federal b​​ackground check.
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Adding a Second SANE Designation

  • If you already hold a SANE credential with the KBN and are adding a second SANE designation, you will need to submit an application to add the second designation. See the above instructions for the initial application process. You will need to pay the fee of $120 fee for each designation.

Renew a SANE Credential

SANE credentials are renewed between September 15-October 31. To renew your SANE credential you must first renew your RN license. Once the RN license is renewed, you will be able to renew your SANE credential.

Reinstate a lapsed SANE Credential

  • Submit the application through the Kentucky Board of Nursing Nurse Portal. You will need to create an account through the nurse portal and then you will select Apply for a License located on the Nurse Portal Dashboard.
  • Hold a current Kentucky or multistate state RN license.
  • Submit evidence of continuing competency. Contact the KBN SANE Program Coordinator in the Credentials Branch for more information.
  • Pay the application fee of $120 (ALL FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE).
  • Complete a state and federa​​l​ background check​​

SANE credentials may be issued within 14 business days after all documents have been received and reviewed. However, if you respond "Yes" to the disciplinary or conviction question it can take up to 3 months for processing your application.

Background Information on SANEs

The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) in Kentucky is a registered nurse who:

  • Holds a current RN license in Kentucky or another compact state.
  • Holds a SANE A/A or SANE P/A credential issued by KBN:
    • SANE A/A Is trained in the forensic examination of adults and adolescents, defined as “a child who has reached the onset of physiological normal puberty” or older who have been the victim of sexual assault.
    • SANE P/A Is trained in the forensic examination of pediatrics and adolescents, defined as “a child who has not reached the onset of physiological normal puberty” or individuals up to age 18 who have been the victim of sexual assault.
  • Collects and preserves evidence and testifies in legal proceedings in accordance with Kentucky law.

Additional Resources